The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB)

Visiting address

Suite 4. Level 4, Plaza Offices (East) Terminal Complex

ACT 2609


Postal address

PO Box: 4608

Kingston , ACT 2604



Tel +61 2 6270 4523

Fax +61 2 6270 4516

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Association information


The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) is wholly owned by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and is responsible for the development and management of the rail industry standards, rules, codes of practice and guidelines, all of which have national application.

Originally established on 16 June 2003 as the Code Management Company it was renamed RISSB on 17 October 2007.

RISSB is a not for profit company limited by guarantee which does not have a share capital and which is required to apply the whole of its income and assets to achieving the listed objectives in its constitution.

The RISSB is accredited by ABSDO as a Standards Development Organisation, and all new standards commenced by RISSB after 31 July 2007 are published as Australian Standards.


RISSB Constitution

The objects for which the Company is established are:

  • to develop, manage and promote a suite of standards (including the safe working rules), guidance materials and other documents (including the ACOP) to assist the rail industry to manage rail safety and improve efficiency

  • to ensure improved safety outcomes; interoperability and harmonisation for the rail industry through the use and development of standards and guidance material;

  • to develop a risk model for the Australian rail operating environment that is based on data and other inputs that will help drive safety improvements by guiding prioritisation of standards development and regulatory activity; and for use by the rail industry participants in directing their approach to safety management; and

  • to provide independent technical advice; and undertake initiatives to support the rail industry’s role in the co-regulatory model for rail safety in Australia.

RISSB works collaboratively with the Australian rail industry to harmonise safety practices across the country.

RISSB is an accredited Standards Development Organisation (SDO) with The Australian Board of Standards Development Organisations (ABSDO). All standards produced by the RISSB are Australian Standards. The standard development process is rigorous and transparent and the same principles are applied in developing other RISSB products.

RISSB products are developed in close consultation with industry subject matter experts. These experts participate in development groups that are pivotal in ensuring RISSB’s final products represent ‘good’ industry practice.