IT-TRANS is the leading Conference where the sector meets to exchange, discuss and invent digital solutions, and to drill down into issues such as account-based ticketing, the API economy, on-demand travel, or MaaS which are changing and disrupting our business.
In 2018, 580 delegates ranging from CEOs and managers via engineers to project experts and consultants from 47 countries participated in the Conference.
IT-TRANS 2020 will offer you many networking opportunities with a well-structured Conference programme to allow for ample time to visit the Exhibition and connect with your colleagues.
The Conference will comprise a variety of session formats, from the traditional presentation and panel discussion, to interactive scrum and lightening-talk sessions.
The Conference will revolve around six main themes which grasp current priorities, challenges and opportunities of the sector.
Messe Karlsruhe Messeallee 1 76287 Rheinstetten Germany Europe
Tel: +49 721 3720 5173
UITP Rue Sainte Marie, 6 1080 Brussels Belgium Europe
Nathalie Simon Nathalie Simon
Tel: +32-2-673 61 00 Fax: +32-2-660 10 72
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