Assifer Service

Visiting address

Via di Scorticabove 138



Postal address

Via di Scorticabove 138

Rome , 00156



Tel +39 6 406 2239

Fax +39 6 4081 7279

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Company information

Assifer Service

Travelling safely is what the user of rail service expects when getting on a train. Today the technology is able to ensure maximum reliability concerning the means of transport.

Specifically defined maintenance programs enable security to be guaranteed in both usual and exceptional circumstances.

Conseguently, the maintenance of railway rolling stock is considered very important, like the delivery of public transport facilities.

Assifer Service S.r.l. always commits itself as a partner in assisting operators of public transport by rail with the maintenance service, by providing technical knowledge and experiences gained in many years of activity working on technologically different means.

Company information

Headquarters location Via di Scorticabove 138
00156 Rome
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Accesibility
  • Components for Railbound Vehicles