For the first time, eight German rail sector associations have jointly presented three key demands for the 2017 general election and the next government. In the coming years, the associations intend to cooperate with political decision makers in Berlin and in the federal states to achieve the introduction of a Germany-wide integrated timetable (‘Deutschland-Takt’), a 50 percent cut in track access charges and the necessary support for innovation on the railways.
Climate protection: the railways’ market share must increase
The rail sector is confident that performance, quality and innovation will ensure it can compete with other transport modes, and significantly grow its market share. To achieve this, the rail sector is calling on politicians to take resolute and consistent decisions in favour of the ecological and economically efficient railways. Rail transport needs a fair, level playing field in its competition with other modes of transport, as well sufficient funding for the rail system and consistent political commitment to research and development.
General election: policies for transforming transport are needed
The global challenges facing the climate and the environment, to which the German government has now correctly reacted by committing to its climate protection plan, demand consistent policies for achieving a transformation in the transport sector. This requires rapid and robust action in favour of efficient and climate-friendly rail transport. The introduction of a Germany-wide integrated timetable is needed to increase passenger numbers; halving track access charges will create a fairer competitive playing field; and in view of the increasing digitalisation of transport and mobility, innovation must be supported.
Solidarity: eight associations – three key demands
In a joint declaration, the eight rail sector associations have summarised their key demands and intend to discuss them with politicians. The booklet ‘Mobilität und Klimaschutz: Deutschland braucht eine entschlossene Politik für mehr Schienenverkehr’ (Mobility and Climate Protection: Germany needs determined policies for increasing rail transport) is available on request from the associations named above and can also be downloaded.
About Allianz pro Schiene
Allianz pro Schiene e.V. (The Pro-Rail Alliance) is the German alliance for the promotion of environmentally friendly and safe rail transport. It is an independent umbrella organisation that unites non-profit organisations and the commercial sector for the purpose of lobbying on behalf of the railways.
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