CAF wins "Manufacturer of the Year" at Global Light Rail Awards

Man in suit holding trophy

CAF has won the coveted internationally acclaimed “Manufacturer of the Year” at the prestigious Global Light Rail Awards held earlier this week in London.

Recently CAF has successfully delivered new trams to Birmingham, UK; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Saint-Etienne, France; Budapest, Hungary; Cincinnati and Kansas City, USA.

The award was collected by Richard Garner, Business Development Director CAF UK and Ireland from Rt. Hon. Paul Maynard MP, Under-Secretary of State for Transport. Acknowledging victory Richard sail: “This is fantastic news for CAF; it is great to see the projects which CAF has been involved within the UK and overseas being recognised by eminent judges as achieving world class status. CAF are absolutely delighted”.

Additionally, Tranvía Zaragoza was the winner of the “Best Environmental and Sustainability Initiative” category and also Highly Commended for the “Team of the Year”. CAF Urbos trams operate in the city centre of Zaragoza using its advanced and leading edge “Greentech” technology meaning that the trams can run without unsightly overhead catenary wires.

Edinburgh Trams was also acclaimed winner in the “Most Improved System” category and Highly Commended in the “Best Customer Initiative”. CAF has provided the trams used on this network.

The West Midland Combined Authority was the winner for the “Project of the year over €50m” for the Birmingham City Centre Extension of the Midland Metro Line 1 allowing CAF Urbos trams to connect Birmingham Snow Hill station to Birmingham New Street station.

About CAFCAF logo

CAF offers comprehensive global rail solutions which, in addition to the supply of trains, includes viability studies, civil work, electrification, signalling, maintenance and system operation in some cases. Thanks to these integrated projects based on concession or turnkey models, customers are offered a single, global, specific solution, a solution that guarantees the integration and compatibility of all the systems. Our products can be tailored to suit the specific requirements of each customer, providing safety, comfort and satisfaction to millions of users throughout the world.

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