EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc will lead the EU delegation at the 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) which starts tomorrow in Montreal, Canada. Held until 7 October, this triennial Assembly brings together all 191 aviation authorities of the world.
The main agenda item will be the reduction of carbon emissions in the aviation sector. After years of work the Assembly is set to adopt a Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM) to curb CO2 emissions in the sector. This would be the first ever globally binding deal to tackle emissions in an entire economic sector. In line with its climate policy, the European Union will be pushing for the most ambitious outcome with the aim of achieving carbon neutral growth in international aviation as of 2020.
During her stay in Montreal, Commissioner Bulc will meet with a number of key delegations – such as the United States, China, India, Russia, African states, Singapore and Saudi Arabia – and invite them join the GMBM scheme from its start, set for 2021. Commissioner Bulc will convey a similar message to all delegates when addressing the Assembly during the opening ceremony on Tuesday, 27 September.
Besides decarbonisation, other topics on the agenda of the Assembly include cyber threats, the overflight of conflict zones, drones and support to developing states ("capacity building").
About The European Commission
Transport directly affects everyone in Europe. Whatever age we are, and whatever activities we undertake, transport and mobility play a fundamental role in today’s world. The aim of the Commission is to promote a mobility that is efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly and to create the conditions for a competitive industry generating growth and jobs. The issues and challenges connected to this require action at European or even international level; no national government can address them successfully alone. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport works in concert with the European Union Member States, European industry, citizens and stakeholders.
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