The European Commission has today published the results of a Eurobarometer survey on satisfaction of Europeans with rail services, which looked at who travels by train and why, as well as to what extent people are happy with the services provided.
According to the survey, 66% of Europeans are satisfied with the frequency of trains. Punctuality and reliability are also well received, with 59% of users satisfied. Moreover, 55% of Europeans are satisfied with the provision of information during the journey, particularly when facing a delay. These figures all represent significant improvements on the results of a similar survey carried out in 2013. The survey also provides an insight into travel habits. Four out of five (80%) Europeans travel by train, and they are most likely to use the train for suburban trips (67%). More than three quarters (78%) never make international trips by rail.
Significant room for improvement remains: only 38% of Europeans are satisfied with complaint handling mechanisms, and the accessibility of rail services for persons with reduced mobility requires further work. For example, only 41% of Europeans expressed satisfaction with assistance provided by station staff for persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility. The figures also show a need to strengthen the enforcement of passenger rights.
The survey shows that 75% of Europeans find that buying train tickets is easy and 62% are happy with the availability of tickets for the journeys using several trains and transport. It illustrates the value of continued efforts to promote multimodality– that is, the use of different modes or means of transport on the same journey – thereby increasing the attractiveness of rail services.
About European Commission
Transport directly affects everyone in Europe. Whatever age we are, and whatever activities we undertake, transport and mobility play a fundamental role in today’s world. The aim of the Commission is to promote a mobility that is efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly and to create the conditions for a competitive industry generating growth and jobs. The issues and challenges connected to this require action at European or even international level; no national government can address them successfully alone. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport works in concert with the European Union Member States, European industry, citizens and stakeholders.
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