Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan TD has today announced the Government’s approval to draft legislation which will allow for the regulation of escooters and ebikes in the forthcoming Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. This decision will now allow for the introduction of appropriate regulations for these types of vehicles.
The main provisions of the Bill are as follows:
• Legislation for the use of escooters
The Minister is proposing to create a new vehicle category which will be known as ‘Powered Personal Transporters’ (PPTs) and will include escooters and similar devises. The proposed legislation will allow escooters to be used legally in a public place and will also address standards to be met by PPTs in the interests of safety. Tax, insurance and driving licenses will not be required. As the intention is to legalise the use of PPTs in a public place, they will now be regulated as to how and where they may be used.
• Legislation relating to ebikes
Under current Irish law, ebikes are not classed as ‘mechanically propelled vehicles’ (MPVs) or as pedal bicycles. Ebikes will now be legislated for using EU standards as a reference point and will be treated mainly in the same way as pedal cycles while the more powerful models of eBike will be treated as light mopeds.
The Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD commented: “E-scooters have become an increasingly popular form of personal mobility in a short period of time. However, these devices are not legal under current Irish road traffic law. I am implementing the commitment in the Programme for Government to regulate their use by including amendments in the upcoming Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill so that they can be used in a safe manner.”
Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton TD said: “The recent Government approval to draft legislation is a clear demonstration of our commitment to regulate for the safe and sustainable use of escooters and ebikes in Ireland as a matter of priority. The benefits of these provisions include providing a legislative framework for the use of escooters and ebikes on a more widespread basis whilst also ensuring and improving safety for all road users.”
About the Irish Department of Transport
The Mission Statement of the Department of Transport, is: "As a central government department, serving the government and the people of Ireland, our mission is to shape the safe and sustainable development of transport, to support economic growth and social progress."
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