The Department of Transport has launched a public consultation on the draft National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland (NIFTI), which is the Department’s new high-level strategic framework for prioritising future investment in the land transport network. The public consultation commenced on 31 March 2021 and will conclude on 28 May 2021.
NIFTI is the Department of Transport’s contribution to Project Ireland 2040, Government’s long-term strategy for accommodating population growth in a sustainable manner and making Ireland a better country for all of its people. NIFTI has been developed to ensure that our transport sectoral strategy is underpinned by and supports the achievement of the spatial objectives and National Strategic Objectives set out in the National Planning Framework.
To better understand the specific transport challenges to realising Project Ireland 2040, a wide range of supporting analysis was conducted for NIFTI which has been outlined in a series of background papers. This analysis considered the context, constraints and objectives of NIFTI and it has provided the foundation for the resulting framework. The draft framework was also informed by a Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report, and Natural Impact Statement, which collectively identify potential environmental impacts of NIFTI and how these can be mitigated. These supporting documents are all published below to inform responses to the public consultation.
The draft framework establishes high-level investment priorities to efficiently and effectively address key transport challenges identified by the background analysis and to ensure that transport investment is aligned with and supports Government’s overarching spatial and climate change objectives, as articulated in the National Planning Framework and Climate Action Plan.
The public consultation is designed to give stakeholders, interested parties and the general public the opportunity to reflect on the supporting analysis, to share their views, and to contribute to the development of the National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland.
How to Respond
Respondents are invited to submit their views by completing the consultation survey which can be found at: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/NIFTI2021
Respondents may also submit their views by email to transport2040@transport.gov.ie .
Any queries regarding this consultation process may also be sent to this address.
The Department regrets that due to the remote working conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, it cannot receive submissions by post.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 23:59, Friday, 28 May 2021 .
Before making a submission, all respondents should first be aware of the Department’s data protection policy and our responsibilities under Freedom of Information (FOI) and Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) legislation. Respondents should further note that all submissions will be published to the Department of Transport's website and should clearly indicate in their response if any specific supporting information provided is to be considered commercially sensitive.
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