More productive and safer transport systems country-wide are an important step closer with today’s announcement that the federal government is supporting a new intelligent transport cooperative research centre (iMOVE CRC) with a $55 million R&D grant.
The iMOVE CRC has been in development for over 18 months and is strongly supported by industry, technology innovators, state road authorities, federal and state government departments and industry associations. These partners are complemented by Australia’s best research talent in fields relating to the development of intelligent transport systems.
The centre’s establishment is well-timed due to the challenges currently faced by Australia’s transport systems and the rapidly evolving development of technologies and business models that can help solve these issues.
“Transport is the backbone of our economy. As a country we will fall behind if we cannot move our people and goods effectively and efficiently,” says bid lead for iMOVE CRC, Ian Christensen.
“Our roads are congested and our transport systems are not co-ordinated and it’s getting worse in many cases. The establishment of the iMOVE CRC gives us an immediate opportunity to tackle this situation, by harnessing the power of ‘big data’, developing smarter solutions and engaging with the community to trial and deploy new technologies.”
The CRC funding and ten-year timeframe will enable the 46 partners to develop technology outcomes that will benefit the whole of Australia. It will deliver better options and experiences for individual travellers, much-needed productivity improvements in logistics and access to new markets for business.
Says iMOVE CRC Bid Chair, Ian Murray AM, “As a country, we lose around $16.5 billion a year because of congestion. When you also factor in the human and financial losses due to accidents, we are looking at a phenomenal social and economic cost. We will now have the technology and smarts available to significantly alleviate these problems.
“The iMOVE CRC has a research program and experienced people ready to start work immediately. I am tremendously excited by the opportunities we have in front of us with this funding.”
The introduction of connected and intelligent transport systems also requires national coordination mechanisms. The iMOVE CRC will play a role alongside other national bodies in assisting states, territories and peak industry bodies to collaborate and deliver cohesive national outcomes.
“The current explosion of data, the computing power of mobile phones, and the increasing automation of vehicles creates a vast range of opportunities to improve the range, safety, convenience and effectiveness of peoples’ travel options. Mobility and transport is one of the most exciting and dynamic aspects of urban and economic development. With its broad range of partners the iMOVE CRC will enable Australian organisations to develop world leading products and services.
“As well as with our partners we will be working in consultation with numerous other stakeholders, such as the Australian Logistics Council and the National Transport Commission. This will enable us to get the best possible outcomes for Australia,” says Mr. Christensen.
“We are eager to get things happening and look forward to working closely with all our partners and stakeholders over the next ten years.”
The iMOVE CRC is a new national intelligent transport R&D centre funded through the Co-operative Research Centres programme. It is supported by 46 industry, government and research partners including the federal departments of ‘Industry Innovations and Science’ and ‘Infrastructure and Regional Development’, state road authorities, retailers, logistics and insurance companies, technology developers, automobile clubs and many of Australia’s top universities.
The ten-year centre will undertake industry-led research that uses emerging technologies to improve Australian transport systems nationally. It will deliver fast and predictable freight systems and enhanced mobility for Australians on the roads and public transport.
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