Busworld: Leading industry figure to give keynote speech

- Brussels, BE
Alok Jain

Leading industry figure Alok Jain has been confirmed as keynote speaker for the UITP-Busworld International Bus Conference (23-24 October 2017) in Kortrijk, Belgium.

As Managing Director of Trans-consult Asia Limited – overseeing research and consultation in the field of transport planning for almost a decade – Alok Jain brings a wealth of experience to this exciting event.

Trans-consult Asia believe that “mobility is about moving people, not vehicles” making Alok Jain well placed to speak about the changes and developments taking place across the sector.

Mr Jain brings 36 years of experience from across engineering, planning, marketing, directorship and lecturing to our stage. He has served on transportation committees and provided consultancy services on transport marketing and operations across the globe.

Mr Jain has held senior positions with organisations such as the Kowloon Motor Bus Co., one of the largest privately held bus companies in the world and MVA Asia Limited, a global transportation specialist and leading market research company.

As public transport faces both serious challenges and exciting developments, our keynote speech will engage those in attendance and further the debate going forward.

As a regular speaker on multi-modal integration, public transport pricing and financing, Mr Jain has many views on the public transport industry and will be delivering a keynote speech – on Monday 23 October – not to be missed.

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