The International Transport Forum will bring its global expertise in transport policy to the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in a series of events and interventions.
As co-organiser of the COP 23 "Transport Thematic Day" on Saturday, 11 November, the ITF will contribute to the COP process on issues ranging from the re-invention of urban mobility to decarbonising maritime transport. Please note the following events with ITF participation during COP23 - all are being webcast live via the UNFCC Climate Action Studio on YouTube:
Friday, 10 November
Shared Mobility for Climate Mitigation: Innovation and Big Data
11:30-13:00 | Bonn Zone | Meeting Room 4 | ITF/ITDP
The digitalisation of urban transport has accelerated in recent years, just as when many new technologies have been introduced and users started adopting new behaviours. The arrival of shared mobility services, electrification and automation can achieve low carbon transport.
With Wei-Shiuen Ng
Saturday, 11 Novemeber
Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MP-GCA) Transport Thematic Day
Opening Session: Setting the Scene and Achieving Future Goals
10:00-11:00h | Bonn Zone | Room 8 | ITF/PPMC/UITP/UIC
The Opening Session will focus on the need to scale up action and ambition on transport and climate change.
With ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim
Policy Making and Target Setting for the Transport Sector
11:30-12:45h | Bonn Zone | Room 8 | ITF/PPMC/UITP/UIC
The goals of the Paris Agreement cannot be reached without significant reductions in transport emissions under current projections of growing transport demand. Setting emission reduction targets is the first step to a decarbonising transport development pathway.
With Mary Crass, Head of Institutional Relations and Summit at ITF (Moderator)
Shifting Personal Mobility through Innovations in Transport Technologies, Systems and Integrated Planning
13:45-15:00h | Bonn Zone | Room 8 | ITF/PPMC/UITP/UIC
Reducing carbon emissions in urban transport requires a mix of policies and measures that will target changes in both technologies and mobility patterns. Recent trends across the world have shown that travel behaviour could be shifted to depend less on personal mobility through innovations in technology, urban planning, public transport services, and sustainable transport systems.
Reducing Maritime Transport GHG Emissions: Decarbonising Supply Chains
15:00-16:15h | Bonn Zone | Room 8 | ITF/PPMC/UITP/UIC
This event will provide an overview of efforts to reduce international and domestic maritime transport emissions. Industry experts will show how maritime transport can contribute to the overall GHG reduction effort and decarbonise supply chains.
With Olaf Merk, ITF shipping and ports expert
The Role of Sustainable Mobility in a Changing Climate
16:45-18:15h | Bonn Zone | UNDESA and The World Bank Group
The event will use the new Global Mobility Report (GMR) as the backdrop for a high-level discussion on how we can achieve the four global goals that define sustainable mobility: universal access, efficiency, safety and green mobility). The outcome of this panel discussion will feed into the global roadmap of actions to achieving sustainable mobility, currently under preparation by the Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4AII) initiative.
With ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim
Sunday, 12 November
Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders: Collaborative Climate Action
09:45-17:30h | Bonn Zone | Room 8 | ICLEI
Local and regional governments are strengthening their resolve to curb climate change and prepare for its effects. They will come together during COP23 to launch key initiatives and strategic coalitions that shape global climate action.
With ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim
Monday, 13 November
Creating Green and Inclusive Transport for Liveable and Resilient Cities
15:00-16:30 | Bonn Zone | Room 1 | ITF/PPMC/UITP/UIC
Transport plays a significant role in shaping cities and as the urgency to develop liveable and resilient cities grows, it is increasingly important to implement green and inclusive transport measures. This event focuses on sustainable transport development opportunities as envisaged by SDG 11.
With ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim and Mary Crass, Head of Institutional Relations and Summit at ITF (Moderator)
About International Transport Forum.png)
The International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organisation with 57 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of transport ministers. ITF is the only global body that covers all transport modes. The ITF is administratively integrated with the OECD, yet politically autonomous.
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