Keolis introduces “PlanBookTicket”, the first public transport app to offer a 100% digital experience

Keolis introduces PlanBookTicket

Five months after the presentation of its digital strategy, the introduction of PlanBookTicket confirms the Keolis Group as a major player in connected mobility. In a first for the public transport sector in France, this comprehensive solution offers the possibility of using a smartphone to plan an entire trip, buy tickets and validate them, thanks to a one-of-its-kind mobile application. PlanBookTicket will be marketed to all French local authorities beginning on October 1.

Customers want to make their journeys as easy as possible, whether for their daily commute or when visiting other places.

To simplify life for them, Keolis has introduced France’s first fully integrated mobile app, PlanBookTicket, which is accessible on all smartphones*.

The first solution for 100%-connected daily travel

PlanBookTicket brings together in a single app the three vital stages of daily travel: planning the journey, buying and validating the ticket. For the first time in France, these three functions are accessible on all smartphones.

The complete solution combines the three aspects of the customer’s trip. The app can also be customised for local government authorities, which can choose one, two or all three of the functions depending on their needs.

Plan: the mobility assistant

This component of the application, which has been up and running since April 2015, lets customers prepare and optimise their trips in accordance with their profile and personal criteria by using the:

  • journey planner which combines all transport modes: bus, tram, metro, car, bike, walking
  • timetables, in real time
  • alerts about disruptions, with suggestions for alternative routes

The solution is already implemented in seven cities in France and will soon be rolled out in three more.

Book: online ticket purchases

Keolis makes it possible to buy tickets for all transport modes on mobile devices and the Internet, and offers all types of tickets (season tickets, single tickets, books of tickets, etc.).

Payment is very easy and takes just a few steps.

Keolis turned to the expertise of France’s leading e-commerce site, to design and develop this crucial phase of the digital experience.

In three cities in France, residents will soon be able to buy tickets on their mobile phones. Season ticket holders will be able to renew their subscription remotely and activate it directly on the validator when they make their first trip.

Ticket: validate from your smartphone

To take service further and ensure a 100%-connected trip, Keolis is offering a digital ticket management solution for mobile phones. This means customers no longer need to go via a travel agency, ticket office or vending machine.

To meet customers’ needs, Keolis is going to combine two leading technologies, NFC and 2D barcodes, in a single application that can be adapted for different mobile phones*.

The Keolis Group has decided to use tried-and-tested solutions that are already on the market, and has entered into a partnership for each technology:

  • For NFC-compatible phones, the partnership is with CTS (Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois). It will enable Keolis to industrialise the solution, which is already up and running on the CTS network in Strasbourg. 
  • For 2D barcode-compatible phones, the partnership is with Masabi, a UK company that is the world leader in mobile ticketing for public transport. Masabi’s solution is used in London and Boston.

With these strategic partnerships, Keolis aims to rapidly deploy a competitive m-ticketing offer that will be accessible in all towns and cities, no matter the size.

The PlanBookTicket app will be marketed to all French cities beginning on October 1 by the Keolis Group’s new Solutions & Services division, called Kisio. The fully integrated solution will be available for use before summer 2016.

PlanBookTicket confirms the Keolis Group’s partnership approach which includes pioneering cities, leading specialist companies, and cutting-edge start-ups to accelerate the Group’s capacity to innovate, deploy its solutions and become a part of digital ecosystems.

These digital initiatives are being rolled out in France only for the moment. The digital strategy in other countries where the Group operates is currently being defined.

*Apple et Android

About KeolisKeolis logo

Keolis is one of Europe's leading public transport operators, established in 15 countries on four continents.

The group offers a full range of transport solutions to meet the needs of local authorities and passengers and constantly strives to offer its clients mobility choices in tune with the priorities of each geographical region.

The group deploys modern, efficient and sustainable transport systems thanks to a common culture shared throughout the company and associating innovation with a comprehensive understanding of networks, lifestyle patterns and passenger behaviour.

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