r2p announces a new order from Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe AöR for installing a video surveillance system (CCTV) (including Ethernet network)
With the new order r2p will install an innovative IP-video system in 70 underground railway vehicles (H-, HK-Wagen) which are going to be operated in Berlin. The project will start in June 2018 and will include the high-performance hybrid recorder R16-X (product link), the design-award-winning-camera CD9-X (product link / award link) and a network with powerline ethernet connection between the coaches.
In this European public tender, r2p has been able to prevail against a variety of competitors. Paul Martin Christiansen, Key Account Manager at r2p, says: “It was a long way and we are very glad that we were able to make this the technically most demanding as well as economically the most advantageous offer for BVG. We look forward to a long and trustful collaboration.”
Founded in 1928, the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe AöR (BVG) is Germany’s biggest public transport company and operates the underground railway, tram, bus and ferry network in the city of Berlin with more than 1064 million passengers in 2017.
The rapidly growing r2p Group, headquartered in Flensburg, Germany, operates internationally in 45 countries with subsidiaries in Denmark, England, Switzerland and Brazil. With a silent partnership in Taiwan, a sales office in the Czech Republic and local manufacturing in India, r2p takes pride in being a truly global company.
As a market leader, r2p has great passion and energy for developing and distributing software and hardware for rail and road vehicles, mobile video surveillance, PIS, PA, APC and telemetric solutions. Our experienced Swedish investor Alder AB, with an investment volume of more than €110 million, provides us with on-going support for our mission.
About r2p
The r2p GmbH has its headquarters in Northern Germany, close to the Danish border. We develop and sell intelligent technology systems with the highest quality standards for the mobile transport sector: CCTV, passenger counting, Infotainment and fleet management with real-time data transfer for rail and road vehicles. Our customers benefit directly from our ideas, with perfectly optimised solutions that require minimal hardware - meaning the economical and ecological benefits are maximised. Our geographical proximity to Denmark is reflected in our committed and dynamic German-Danish team. We are passionate about our work and our goal is to capture the international market with our core competencies: mobile CCTV and telematics. We are backed by our Swedish investors, Alder AB, who have an overall investment potential of €110 million. In the railway sector alone, the Alder Group - together with r2p - has an annual turnover of €55 million.
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