Russian Railways and Enel S.p.A, acting in the interests of their Enel X global business line, engaged in the development of innovative products and digital solutions, and also representing the interests of its subsidiary in Russia, RUSENERGOSBYT LLC, have entered into a cooperation agreement.
The document was signed by Oleg Belozerov, CEO and Chairman of the Board of OJSC Russian Railways, and Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Enel S.p.A, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
The purpose of the agreement is to establish long-term cooperation between the parties for the joint assessment and consideration of innovative projects, including the possible use of power storage facilities at Russian Railways in order to improve the reliability of energy supply, as well as to increase the through capacity of railways.
The parties plan to use the competencies of Enel S.p.A. and LLC RUSENERGOSBYT and involve, where possible, Russian start-ups and enterprises.
The parties also expressed their readiness to implement other areas of mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at the effective achievement of their set goals.
About Russian Railways
Railway complex is of particular strategic importance for Russia. This is the link of a single economic system provides stable operation of industrial enterprises, the timely supply of essential goods to the most remote corners of the country and is the most affordable transport for millions of citizens.
Russian Railways is part of the global top three railway companies. The company's facts:
- huge volumes of freight and passenger transport;
- high financial ratings;
- qualified specialists in all areas of rail transport;
- big scientific and technical base;
- design and construction of power;
- significant experience in international cooperation.
Russian Railways was established by the RF Government Decree of September 18, 2003 № 585. The creation of the company was the first stage of the railway sector reform in accordance with the RF Government Resolution dated May 18, 2001 № 384.
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