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The Railway Pro Communication Platform is the most effective communication tool of the railway business environment, tailored for the specific needs of railway professionals and investors in order to provide them with the latest business opportunities existing on the market.
The emphasis is put on the international railway commercial sector, our dedicated readers having access information related to the latest technologies available, ongoing and future projects as well as being a strategic source of knowledge for companies interested in identifying business associates.
The international railway market is increasingly active and dynamic and we aim to create a long lasting and trustworthy relation with our devoted readers by constantly providing them with fresh news from reliable sources as well as in house written articles by our committed team of editors.
The following products and services are available through our Communication Platform:
Railway Pro Magazine, the foremost international monthly publication that offers companies the insights of the railway business environment and the major factors that shape it, covering all aspects of the railway industry. Available in print as well as online, we keep our readers constantly informed, even when they are on the move. Besides the attractive advertising solutions, the magazine also provides the possibility to promote your company and address the railway business community directly, through interviews and advertorials
Railway Pro Daily News provide project-focused world-wide news about infrastructure, rolling stock, rail freight transport, passenger transport, intermodal and cross-border transport, railway operators commercial activities and tenders. Our Communication Platform is updated throughout the day with relevant news from the industry, offering our readers instant access to information
Railway Pro Weekly Newsletter is the leading news service delivering up – to – date information for railway businesses and professionals, providing weekly international news to the online subscriber’s database. Every Friday, our dedicated readers rely on and look forward to the thorough and ample information comprised in our newsletter
Railway Pro 365 – Yearly Market Report is an effective communication tool with selective distribution to over 9,000 decision makers and influence factors, encompassing analysis and future trends of the international railway market, providing valuable information to companies interested in identifying prestigious suppliers and business partners. Its worldwide coverage of the railway industry ensures the perfect opportunity to increase your company’s visibility
Railway Pro Technology and Services Forum – Infrastructure provides the participants with the latest information from the railway market and encourages collaboration between companies, academia and government specialists by opening new business opportunities through infrastructure projects aiming for a modern, efficient and performant transport system
Railway Pro Technology and Services Forum – Rolling Stock concentrates on railway operations through the development and implementation of new technologies, enabling companies to apply safer and faster ways to tackle mobility demand
Railway Pro Investment Summit is the most representative event of the Railway Pro platform gathering every year hundreds of players from the railway transport market, being considered a communication innovation in the Central and East-European market