ITS Australia will today meet with the Hon Darren Chester MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport to consider future transport technology opportunities in Australia.
ITS Australia identified 43 focus areas for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in its Report Smart Transport for Australia to support the development, deployment and adoption of transport technology to improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of Australia’s transport network.
The focus areas include industry and government working together to support Connected and Automated trials, participating in international standards development and supporting strong skill based initiatives to actively contribute to new roles and jobs.
Australia is a global leader in ITS and the Report also outlines key themes, such as Mobility as a Service, Smart Cities, Big Data and Future Freight, to ensure Australia continues to be a future transport thought leader.
ITS Australia President, Brian Negus, says the Federal Government plays a leadership role in bringing people together, creating places where innovation can occur and raising the profile of the solutions ITS can offer.
“The Australian ITS industry welcomes today’s opportunity to meet with the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Darren Chester MP.
“While industry will continue to explore new technologies, and challenge, disrupt and transform the boundaries, it is important Government plays a leadership role by supporting new opportunities. This includes providing timely regulatory changes in collaboration with the ITS industry and research institutions.”
Today’s ITS Australia Federal Government Roundtable meeting in Canberra follows last year’s High Level Policy Roundtable, hosted by Minister Chester, at the 23rd ITS World Congress in Melbourne. The World Congress Roundtable was attended by nearly 50 international Ministers and Mayors from over 20 countries. The meeting was an opportunity for leading ITS communities to share their insights and for Australia to promote Intelligent Transport Systems capabilities.
Minister Chester said the Australian Intelligent Transport System industry is strong and is increasingly influencing the way people and freight move, in Australia and internationally.
“Australia is undertaking a number of actions to prepare for the future, one of which is the Federal Government’s National Policy Framework for Land Transport Technology, setting out principles for a national policy approach to emerging transport technologies.
“Our future success will depend upon the extent to which we make sound policy, regulatory and investment decisions in response to emerging challenges. The Australian Government continues to partner with governments at all levels and industry to deliver innovative test and trial deployments.”
There are currently at least 15 Connected and Automated Vehicle trials and pilot programs across Australia. These include platooning and priority systems for freight vehicles, driverless shuttles and Australia’s first vehicle to pedestrian trial.
ITS Australia Chief Executive Susan Harris said the impressive number of trials demonstrate the strength of collaboration between government, industry and researchers.
“ITS Australia will continue to work with the Federal government to leverage off these initiatives to build public engagement, foster international exchange and promote national harmonisation of standards and regulations.
“ITS Australia is well connected with the international ITS community and we know that Australian ingenuity is admired around the world. Australian regulatory and legislative discussions are followed closely by international partners as are new technology announcements.
“We look forward to working with the Minister, the Federal Government and ITS Australia Gold member, the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, to continue to ensure Australia leads discussions with international trading partners, in particular in Asia Pacific, Europe and America.”
About ITS Australia
Intelligent Transport Systems Australia (ITS Australia) promotes the development and deployment of advanced technologies to deliver safer, more efficient and sustainable transport across all public and private modes – air, sea, road and rail. Established in 1992, ITS Australia advocates the application of communication, data processing and electronic technologies for in-vehicle, vehicle-tovehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and mode-to-mode systems to increase transport safety and sustainability, reduce congestion, and improve the performance and competitiveness of Australia’s networks. ITS Australia is an independent not-for-profit incorporated membership organisation representing ITS suppliers, government authorities, academia and transport businesses and users. Affiliated with peak ITS organisations around the world, ITS Australia is a major international contributor to the development of the industry and host of the 2001 and 2016 ITS World Congress.
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