The 5th annual Australian Intelligent Transport Systems Summit has been hailed a great success.
More than 400 international and Australian ITS leaders attended the ITS Summit (27-28 September 2017) to hear more than 50 Australian and international speakers at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
ITS Australia hosted the event in partnership with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.
ITS Australia President Brian Negus said the sold-out attendance reflects the increasing level of interest in the Australian ITS industry.
“The ITS Summit brought together Australian leaders in transport technology to share information, learn from each other and consider opportunities to make our transport networks safer, more efficient and sustainable.
“With speakers and attendees from America, Asia Pacific, Europe and Australia, ITS Summit outcomes will have positive impacts locally and internationally.
“The ITS Summit had strong support from government, industry and research bodies as well as sponsors, exhibitors and technical tour providers. In particular, we thank the Hon Mark Bailey, Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports for officially opening the ITS Summit.”
Themed ‘Transforming Transport’ the ITS Summit focused on three key areas: Connected and Automated Vehicles, Mobility as a Service and Big Data, and Transport for Smart Cities. Australian innovators had an opportunity to promote new initiatives and panels discussed global harmonisation of standards, and explored next steps for Australian national ITS policy frameworks.
ITS Australia Chief Executive Susan Harris said the ITS Summit plays a critical role in identifying challenges and opportunities to shape future transport.
“Twelve months ago, Australia hosted the 23rd ITS World Congress, attended by more than 11,500 delegates from across the world. It was important that interest in the ITS industry didn’t tail off after the Congress and we are pleased that our events this year have either been sold out or record attendances.
“Australia is a world leader in ITS and is proud of its contribution to the development, deployment and adoption of smart transport technology, both in Australia and internationally.
“It’s a fast paced and dynamic industry making significant transformational impacts on how we move and live our lives. It’s an exciting time to be involved in the Australian transport technology industry.”
The increased interest in Australian ITS is also reflected in the growing ITS calendar of events.
ITS Australia hosted three exclusive functions – the Thought Leadership Series – with government ministers and leading industry influencers in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. ITS Australia also announced a new event for next year, the Mobility as a Service 2018 Summit, to be held in Sydney and re-confirm its bid to host the 17th ITS Asia Pacific Forum and Exhibition at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in 2020.
About ITS Australia
Intelligent Transport Systems Australia (ITS Australia) promotes the development and deployment of advanced technologies to deliver safer, more efficient and sustainable transport across all public and private modes – air, sea, road and rail. Established in 1992, ITS Australia advocates the application of communication, data processing and electronic technologies for in-vehicle, vehicle-tovehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and mode-to-mode systems to increase transport safety and sustainability, reduce congestion, and improve the performance and competitiveness of Australia’s networks. ITS Australia is an independent not-for-profit incorporated membership organisation representing ITS suppliers, government authorities, academia and transport businesses and users. Affiliated with peak ITS organisations around the world, ITS Australia is a major international contributor to the development of the industry and host of the 2001 and 2016 ITS World Congress.
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